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step 3: CHeCKing tHe steering anD tHrottLe/braKe ControLs
We suggest doing the steering tests while lifting the front of the X-Terminator 2 RTR Nitro Buggy off the ground. This
will allow the steering system to operate smoothly, without any binding.
With the transmitter and receiver turned on, rotate the transmitter's
wheel forward (to the right). The xT2's front wheels should turn right.
If the wheels don't turn right, flip the steering servo
reversing switch on the transmitter to change the direction that the
front wheels turn. Refer to the transmitter information on page 5 if
you're not familiar with the servo reversing switches.
Rotate the transmitter's wheel backward (to the left). The xT2's
front wheels should turn left.
Now, let go of the transmitter wheel. The XT2's wheels should
return to centre.
If the wheels do not point straight ahead (centre)
after you return the transmitter wheel to centre, turn the steering
trim dial on the transmitter to adjust the wheels so that they point
straight ahead. Refer to the transmitter information on page 5 if
you're not familiar with the steering trim dial.
Pull back on the throttle trigger. The carburettor barrel should
open completely and the brakes should be disengaged (i.e., the xT2
should roll forward smoothly when pushed).
Let go of the throttle trigger and the carburettor barrel should return
to its idle position - open about 1/16" (1mm). The brakes should still
be disengaged, too. If the brakes are not disengaged when the throttle
is at the idle position, see page 19 "Adjusting the Brake Linkage".
If the carburettor barrel does not open when you pull
back on the throttle trigger, flip the throttle servo reversing switch
on the transmitter to change the direction.
If the carburettor barrel does not open completely, turn the throttle trim dial on the transmitter until the carburettor barrel
opens completely when you pull back fully on the throttle trigger.
Push the throttle trigger forward. The carburettor barrel should stay
in the idle position (open about 1/16" (1mm)) and the brake linkage
should move forward and engage the brakes (i.e., the xT2 will not be
able to roll at all when pushed).
Let go of the throttle trigger and the brakes should disengage.
If you need to adjust the brake linkage, see page
19 "Adjusting the Brake Linkage".