To obtain remote support from your partners or Xtool After-service
1. Turn on the power of the tablet.
2. Click
in the diagnosis application. The TeamViewer screen
is displayed, and the device ID will be generated.
3. Your partner must install the remote-control software on his/her
tablet by downloading the full version of the TeamViewer program
(http://www.teamviewer.com) online, and then start the software on
his/her tablet at the same time, to provide support and remote control
of the tablet.
4. Provide your ID to the partner or Xtool technician, and then wait for
him/her to send you a remote-control request.
5. A pop-up window will be shown asking you to confirm to allow the
remote-control program to control your device.
6. Click
to accept, or click
to reject.
Figure 9-1 Sample of Activating Team Viewer, Screen 1