Xtreme Power Conversion Corporation
Web/SNMP Cards
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UPS Management
It should be now clear that although some protocols and some access methods might provide a higher degree of
security, every customer is encouraged to implement a comprehensive security scheme, of which the SNMP/Web
adapters are only a single node.
The partition of the network in sub-networks and the introduction of firewalls with stringent rules are a critical
component in the global security program.
: For RM&D Service Specifically TCP Port 443 should be kept open in case encryption is enabled.
Other Functionalities
System Time
The SNMP/Web adapter provides means to maintain the system time. Particularly, the adapter will maintain an
internal clock when powered-up, while an RTC with battery back-up will hold date/time information when off (or
during power-cycles). This system offers a sufficient accuracy in the short term. However, in the longer term the
time drift may become significant.
For best results it is recommended to configure the adapter for communication with an NTP server. This forces the
system time to be synchronised with an external source, and it will ensure long-term date/time accuracy.
Serial bypass
The SNMP/Web adapter offers some diagnostic and UPS Service functionalities. These features are not targeted to
the end user. The serial bypass is one of these features, and it is introduced here only for completeness.
With the serial bypass functionality the SNMP/Web adapter are configured in transparent mode. That is, the
adapter acts as a relay between its serial port (DB9F local console port) and the serial connection to the UPS con-
trol board. This functionality is activated by injecting a serialbypass on command through the console interface
(either local or remote).
This functionality is only meant to be used for obtaining service access to the UPS, and as such is subject to some
limitations. Particularly, it is recommended that the end user does not activate it, as the adapter will signal a Com-
munication Lost alarm.
In case the serial bypass is accidentally enabled, it can be disabled (with full adapter operation restored) by inject-
ing a serialbypass off command through the console interface – obviously, only through remote connection, as the
local console is not offering console interface access.
At start-up the adapter will always configure its local console interface for normal operation. This means that if the
adapter is reset (or reboots) it will exit the serial bypass functionality.
HTTP Based Monitoring
The 1-ph/SP SNMP/Web adapters offer an additional method to monitor the UPS operation. The web interface
offers a dynamic page (that is, generated on the fly upon request) picturing the current UPS status. The page is
available as a single-line text page, no HTML, no authentication required.
The page location is http://<IP or Hostname>/ge_alarm.asp.