ET6500 User Manual
The gateway for Smart Linux TV
F. Network Setup
: Press
ET6500 is integrated with standard 10/100Mbps Ethernet with RJ 45 connector standard. You are recommended
to use this network capability of ET6500 to fully enjoy the system. You can setup the network settings through this
Network Configuration menu.
In the Network Configuration menu, you will see five sub menus as follows:
Adapter settings
Through this menu, you can set the basic Ethernet configuration.
User Interface
YES is used to activate the Ethernet. If you set this option at NO, the Ethernet will not work.
YES is used to use DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol). If you set this option at YES, it will
automatically detect the correct IP address. NO is used when you want to use a certain fixed IP address. In this
case, you need to enter correct addresses in each field.