Maintenance and Storage
ODO Sensor Cap
Optical DO Extended Warranty Sensor Caps [SKU: 627180] are warrantied for 24 months. Depending on usage and storage
practices, the cap may last longer than its warranty period.
As the ODO sensor caps ages, deterioration of the dye layer can reduce measurement stability and response time. Periodically
inspect the sensor cap for damage and large scratches in the dye layer. Replace the cap when readings become unstable and
cleaning the cap and DO recalibration do not remedy the symptoms.
Figure 8
ODO cap replacement
ODO Sensor Cap Replacement
The instruction sheet shipped with the replacement ODO sensor cap includes
the calibration coefficients specific to that sensor cap. Make sure to save the
ODO sensor cap instruction sheet in case you need to reload the calibration
Remove the old sensor cap assembly from the probe by grasping the
probe body with one hand and rotating the sensor cap counterclockwise
until it is completely free. Do not use any tools for this procedure.
Carefully remove the o-ring by pinching it with your fingers and rolling
it up. Do not use any tools to remove the o-ring. Clean the area of any
debris with a lens cleaning tissue.
Install the new o-ring that is included with the replacement sensor cap.
Apply a thin coat of o-ring lubricant (included with the new cap) to the
installed o-ring. Remove any excess o-ring lubricant with a lens cleaning
tissue. Be careful to avoid contact with the sensor lens.
Inspect the sensor lens for any moisture or debris. If necessary, wipe the
lens carefully with a non-abrasive, lint-free cloth to prevent scratches. Do
not use organic solvents to clean the ODO sensor lens.
Remove the new sensor cap from its hydrated container and dry the inside
cavity of the sensor cap with lens cleaning tissue. Make sure the cavity is
completely dry before proceeding with the installation.
Using clockwise motion, thread the new sensor cap onto the probe
assembly until it is finger-tight. The o-ring should be compressed between
the sensor cap and probe. Do not over-tighten the sensor cap and do not
use any tools for the installation process.
After installing the new sensor cap, store the sensor in either water or in
the water-saturated air storage chamber.
Be sure to update the ODO Sensor Cap Coefficients after