Aquavar IPC Start-Up Genie
Proceed with the down arrow. Verify that
Pressure Transducer is 300 PSI, you are
wired in on Analog Input 53, that your sleep
frequency is 30 Hz, and your restart difference
is 10 [unit], the No Water loss of prime fault is
enabled, and your restart time is 10 Minutes.
Check Pump and Motor Rotation by selecting
Hand On. If motor is running backwards,
power down drive, wait five minutes, and
rotate motor wires from the drive. Once
rotation is verified, select Off.
Select Auto On. Verify Unit cycles into sleep
mode at desired PSI.
Now perform no flow power calibration on
page 20.
Constant pressure with
300 [unit], 4-20mA
sensor on AI 53, Sleep
Frequency = 30Hz,
Restart Difference = 10
[unit], No Water/Loss of
Prime fault is enabled,
Restart Time = 10 min.