Replace EXO1 Bail
Sonde bails provide users with a handle for convenient transport and an attachment point for cable strain
reliefs. If an EXO1 bail breaks due to impact or standard wear and tear throughout the life of the sonde, a
user can easily replace it. Always attach the cable’s strain relief mechanism to the bail. Do not use the cable
connector to support the whole weight of the sonde. Although the cable connector and locking ring are very
robust, always use the strain relief to mitigate unnecessary pressure on the connection.
1 Remove battery cover.
Twist the battery cover counterclockwise until free. Then
slide off the battery cover.
2 Remove bail.
Spread the sides of the bail away from the connector, pull
the bail over the posts on top of the sonde, and remove the
o-ring from its groove and discard.
3 Install new bail.
Install a new o-ring in the groove at the base of the bail.
Then carefully spread the bail open and seat its sockets over
the posts around the connector.