Valve Test Period
: The frequency of time interval that the valve is tested. Options are
Never, Yearly, and Monthly.
Pressure Scale Factor
: The number the pressure scale is factored with. Options include
0.1x, 0.25x, 0.5x, 1.0x, 2.5x, 5.0x, 10.0x, and 25.0x.
Tilt Shutoff
: Option to have the Valve close if the Tilt alarm occurs when the Tilt tamper
is triggered.
Vibration Shutoff
: Option to have the Valve close if the Vibration alarm occurs when the
Vibration tamper is triggered.
Over Temperature Shutoff
: Option to have the Valve close if the Over Temperature
alarm occurs when the Over Temperature threshold is triggered.
Low Pressure Shutoff
: Option to have the Valve close if the Low Pressure threshold is
reached based upon the pressure settings applied.
High Pressure Shutoff
: Option to have the Valve close if the High Pressure threshold is
reached based upon the pressure settings applied.
Maximum Pressure Threshold
: Value to be used as the maximum acceptable pressure
threshold value if using the High and/or Low Pressure Shutoff options. Valid values range
from 0.0-28.0.
High Pressure Warning Threshold
: Value to be used as the maximum acceptable
pressure threshold value if using the High and/or Low Pressure Shutoff options. Valid
values range from 0.0-28.0 for each option, however, the values most follow a logical
value range for each succeeding option. Low Pressure Shutoff Threshold should be less
than or equal to the Low Pressure Warning Threshold which should be less than or equal
to the High Pressure Warning Threshold which should be less than or equal to the High
Pressure Shutoff Threshold value.
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