In glossary definitions, italics are used for items defined elsewhere in the glossary and bold is used for
the items shown in brackets after the main heading of the entry.
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange. A 7-bit binary code (0's, 1's) used to
represent letters, numbers, and special characters such as $,!, and /. Supported by almost every
computer and terminal manufacturer.
Attribute Setting that controls access to a specific file. Often used to protect important files (such as
the Registry files) from accidental change or deletion. Set using the ATTRIB command in MS-DOS.
Backplane A printed circuit board incorporated in the chassis assembly to provide logic level signal, and
low voltage power distribution paths.
Bay The slot that a unit or media device fits into.
Byte A group of binary digits stored and operated upon as a unit. A byte may have a coded value equal
to a character in the ASCII code (letters, numbers), or have some other value meaningful to the computer.
In user documentation, the term usually refers to 8-bit units or characters.
1 kilobyte (K) is equal to 1,024 bytes or characters; 64K indicates 65,536 bytes or characters.
Cable Throughout this RS-1600-FC-FFX2 user guide this term is used in accordance with the preferred
US context of: “an insulated flexible electric wire used for the transmission of data signals between
computer equipment.”
Note: Cable is UK preferred terminology for either a power cord or a data cable:
Character A representation, coded in binary digits, of a letter, number, or other symbol.
Characters Per Second A data transfer rate generally estimated from the bit rate and the character
length. For example, at 2400 bps, 8-bit characters with Start and Stop bits (for a total of ten bits per
character) will be transmitted at a rate of approximately 240 characters per second (cps).
Chassis A sheet metal enclosure incorporating a Backplane PCB and module runner system. The
chassis contains a number of 'Bays', each of which can accommodate a plug in module. There are sixteen
drive carrier bays at the front and five bays at the rear which house power supply/cooling and LRC I/O
modules and also the Ops Panel.
Configure To set up a hardware device and its accompanying software.
Data Communications A type of communications in which computers and terminals are able to
exchange data over an electronic medium.
Disk (drive, carrier, module) A FC-FFX2 FC-AL disk drive mounted in a carrier. You can have up to
sixteen disk drive carrier modules in each RS-1600-FC-FFX2 enclosure.
Enclosure The chassis assembly which houses the plug-in modules that make up the RS-1600-FC-
FFX2 storage subsystem.
ESI/Ops module A unit used to monitor and control all elements of the Enclosure.The ESI/Operators
(Ops) panel is supplied as an integral part of the RS-1600 series Enclosure core product