Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4
Connect the alarm accessory
to the G32 system via the app
for iOS or Android:
Image 1
Select Alarm accessories & Relay
Image 2
Add & configure accessories
Image 3
New accessory
Android: Choose alarm accessory
Image 4
Choose the accessory to connect.
Enter a name for the accessory and
then press Connect and follow the
iOS: After connection of the
accessory, go to the tab Alarm ac-
cessories & Relay, press Update in
the top right. Choose to activate/
Inactivate the alarm accessory
by the button Edit in the top left.
Choose your setttings and press
Android: After connection of the
Alarm Accessory, go to the tab
Alarm accessories & Relay, press
Update. Choose to activate/inac-
tivate the alarm accessory by the
symbol in the top right (press
Edit). Choose your settings and
press Save.
iOS instructions
Android instructions