P/N YRD400-KD-0022 Rev A
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Step 4. Screw into frame
Hand tighten to the frame
using the included screws.
You may wish to complete
this step after your lock is set
up and calibrated to ensure
you are able to retrieve
accurate door state readings
before modifying your door
Once the lock has been set up, navigate to the
Lock Settings and select Calibrate Lock.
Follow the instructions in the app.
Open and close the door to validate the door state is
accurate. If it is not accurate or the calibration was
unsuccessful, relocate the DoorSense closer to the smart
lock and repeat the calibration process until you get
accurate results.
If you elected to not insert the screws into the door frame,
go back and secure them into your door frame or wall.
Place the cover over the housing.
If you notice that your readings are not accurate over time,
perform another Calibration.
Step 5. Attach the cover
Press the cover onto the
DoorSense unit.
Installing DoorSense®