9V batteri
9V battery
Åbning batteriet er lavt, udefra og inde
Hvis batterierne, trods advar-
selssignalerne, skulle løbe helt
tør for strøm, kan man tilslutte
et 9 volts batteri på låsens
udvendige side. Hold batteriet
på de to poler på undersiden
af langskiltet og lås op med
nøglebrik eller brugerkode.
Yale Doorman kan åbnes fra
indvendig side ved at dreje
vridergrebet i åbningretningen
og fastholde det i vandret
position samtidig med, at
dørgrebet trykkes ned.
Bemærk at denne funktion ikke
kan anvendes, hvis produktet er
i ’Udesikker’ position.
Low battery back up opening from outside and inside
If the batteries inspite of the war-
ning signals should be drained
one can attach a 9V battery to
the outside in order to power the
product and then open using the
proper electronic key. Hold the
battery to the poles at the bot-
tom of the outside and identify
yourself with an electronic key.
Yale Doorman can be opened from
inside without electronic power
from inside by turning the thumb
turn to 90 degrees in the opening
direction. Opening is done by
holding the thumb turn in horizontal
direction and at the same time
pulling down the handle to open
the door.
NOTE: This feature is disabled in
secure Mode and the voice guide
informs the user about this when
locking in Secure Mode.