2-3. [d02] SWITCH Test
Select the test program No. [d02] on the GAIN encoder and run the SWITCH test by pressing the [+48V] key when "02"
flashes. You can also enter the following characters from the terminal software:
and run the test. (You don't need to press the Enter key.)
The terminal software displays as follows after the test.
DIAG [01] LED CHECK ........................................................ DONE
2-2. [d01] LED Test
Select test program No. [d01] on GAIN encoder and run the auto test by pressing [+48V] key when "01" flashes. You can
also enter the following characters from the terminal software:
and run the test. (You don't need to press the Enter key.)
Make a visual check that LEDs light up in the following sequence when the program No. is executed.
1. Lights up the LED in sequence, one at a time. (After each channel LED has simultaneously lit up in the sequence of
CH1,2,...8, all channels of the LED types (+48V, HPF,...) light up simultaneously.)
2. The seven segment LED lights up one digit each "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "8."
3. All the LED light up.
4. The 7 segment LED starts flashing with "02" in [d02], and the program prepares for the next test.