nections. Contact a Yamaha Boat Deal-
er if there is a problem you cannot locate
or correct.
Attach the engine shut-off cord (lanyard)
to your PFD before operating. Failure to
attach the cord could result in a run-
away boat if the operator is ejected.
Do not apply throttle when anyone is at
the rear of the boat. Turn the engine off
or keep it at idle. Water and debris exit-
ing the jet thrust nozzle can cause se-
vere injury.
(1) Always make sure the boat is launched
and used in waters that are free from
weeds and debris, and at least 90 cm
(3 ft) deep from the bottom of the boat.
WARNING! Never operate in water
that is less than 90 cm (3 ft) deep from
the bottom of the boat. You increase
your chance of hitting an underwater
obstacle. You could be injured. Peb-
bles or sand can also be sucked into
the jet intake, damaging the impeller.
There are two hull drain plugs at the bot-
tom of the stern. Check the O-rings on the
hull drain plugs and make sure that the
plugs are tightened securely before
launching the boat. Otherwise, water may
flood the boat and cause it to submerge.
Hull drain plug
(2) Turn the battery switch to the ON (green)
(3) Push the blower switch to operate the
blower and ventilate the engine compart-
ment for at least 4 minutes.
Blower switch
(4) Attach the engine shut-off cord (lanyard)
to your PFD. Install the clip onto the en-
gine shut-off switch by pushing the clip
groove over the nut beneath the knob.
Be sure the cord is not wrapped around
the steering wheel or tangled in the con-
WARNING! Check that the en-
gine shut-off cord (lanyard) is
attached correctly. If the engine shut-
off cord (lanyard) is not attached cor-
90 cm (3 ft)
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