Operation section
Controlling AW2816 parameters from an
external device
The mix parameters and effect parameters of the
AW2816 can be controlled remotely via the MIDI IN
connector/TO HOST connector. There are two ways to
do this: using control changes or using parameter
changes (system exclusive).
• Since most devices are able to handle control
change messages, they have the advantage of being
easy to use. However caution is necessary if devices
other than the AW2816 are being used simulta-
neously in your system, since external devices that
receive control change messages may operate in
unexpected ways.
• Parameter changes (system exclusive) are MIDI mes-
sages used only by the AW2816, and will not cause
other devices to behave unexpectedly. However,
they may be difficult to use since they occupy a
larger amount of data.
Using control changes to operate
On the AW2816, control change numbers 0–95 and
102–119 are assigned to various parameters, and the
corresponding parameter can be controlled by trans-
mitting the appropriate control change from an exter-
nal device. It is also possible to transmit control
changes when you operate a parameter on the
This section explains how to assign an AW2816
parameter to a control change, and record/changes of
that parameter on a MIDI sequencer.
Assigning a parameter to a con-
trol change
Here’s how the parameter whose operation you want
to record can be assigned to a control change number
(0–95, 102–119).
Press the [MIDI] key
[F4] key.
The MIDI screen/CTL Asgn. page will appear. In
this page you can specify the parameter that is
assigned to each control change.
This is the control change number to which a
parameter will be assigned.
This area shows the parameter that is assigned to
each control change number. Select the parame-
ter group in the left column (parameter 1), and
specify the necessary values for that group in the
other two columns (parameters 2 and 3). Control
change numbers to which no parameter has been
assigned will be displayed as “NO ASSIGN.”
Move the cursor to the CTL CHG. No. row,
and use the [DATA/JOG] dial to select the
control change number to which a param-
eter will be assigned.
The row enclosed by a dotted frame indicates the
currently selected control change number.
Control change numbers 0 and 32 are defined as
“Bank Select” (messages used to switch sound banks
on a synthesizer). Since some MIDI sequencers han-
dle these bank select messages differently than other
control changes, these messages may not be suitable
for controlling parameters.
Parameter 1
Parameter 2
Parameter 3