Fade Out Ð The Classic
Way to Finish
(Bars 14Ð21)
The arrangement is now gradually faded out over 8 bars.
Sys-Ex messages are used here to control the “Master Vol-
ume”. This way the song can be faded out much more con-
sistently, rather than using separate Controller Events for
each track! There is a danger to this method however: let‘s
assume you stop the song just before the end of the fade-out
is reached. The Master Volume is now set to a very low level.
You decide to end the session to work on it later. Suddenly
you won‘t believe your ears; the CS1x has become extremely
quiet, and you suspect a malfunction of some kind. Don‘t
panic: the last Sys-Ex message used to control the Master
Volume is simply still in effect. Turning the volume control
won‘t have any effect; only a Sys-Ex message can restore the
volume level. If only you had played the song to the end, the
Master Volume level would have been reset to 127!
If you can‘t resist the temptation of working with Sys-Ex
messages to control Master Volume, you should take note of
the following points:
always enter a Sys-Ex message with the desired Master
Volume at the beginning of the song.
try not to stop the song during the fade-out.
set the Master Volume level back to 127 at the end of
your fade.
So much for our tips on the “Master Volume” subject. We
would now like to give you a quick overview of another two
Demo songs.
Example 2: “Blue Fuzz”
This example will demonstrate:
- Use of the Distortion Effect
- Real-Time knob Control
- Fade-Out using Master Volume
Please load the Tutorial Disk song: BLUE
Arrangement “Blue Fuzz”
Chord Sequence
(MIDI Ch.1)
This sound example‘s ‘trademark’ ‘is the chord sequence.
This special sequence controls the modified “Disk Kick” Per-
formance U127. The Variation effect “Distortion” in conjunc-
tion with the filter modulation and real-time Chorus Send
control is very effective here.
The Setup Data is organised as in the first example. Follow-
ing the Sys-Ex data for PERFORMANCE RESET, MASTER
VOLUME and PERFORMANCE BULK are Controller settings
that set the starting points for further real-time knob control
later on.
Controller #17 = 70 (Knob 3) Distortion Drive
Controller #74 = 44 (knob 4) Cutoff
Controller #71 = 127(knob 5) RESONANCE
Controller #18 = 00 (Knob 6) Chorus Send
These values should be considered as settings for the
knobs after the selection of the Performance, but before the
sequence itself. Failure to set these initial values would result
in values jumping during real-time control.
During the first few bars, the chord sequence can be heard
initially without any filter modulation – this only begins at bar
6. Just as noteworthy: During bars 10 to 11 the Chorus Level
is changed in real-time from 0 to 100 with Knob6.
The chord sequence is relegated to the background during
the middle section (bars 18-25) : there‘s no filter modulation,
Distortion Drive value is reduced to 44.
Distortion (Drive 79) comes into effect In the final section
(bars 26-41) and the filter is modulated once again, in con-
trast to the bass sequence‘s filter movements.