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Manual Development Group 

©2016 Yamaha Corporation 

Published  07/2016  YJ-A0 


DTX700  Firmware  Update  Guide        4 


Main Enhancements 

V1.03 → V1.10




Added pad types for the DT50S/DT50K. 


Added a new trigger setting parameter “2P Balance.” 


Expanded the setting range of “NoiseFltrTbl (Noise Filter).” 


Version History 

V1.01 → V1.03




Added a Startup Wizard for optimizing the Trigger Setup. 


Added new pad types as follows. 

KP100, KU100, TP70S Snare, TP70S Tom, TP70S HiHat, TP70, PCY90 


Added new Trigger Setups as follows. 

760K Normal, 760K Wide, 720K Normal, 720K Wide 

Accordingly, the Trigger Setups (Wide, Narrow, 750K Narrow, and 700K Narrow) have been deleted. 


Added a new file type “OneKit.” 


Expanded the input gain setting range. 


