Data List
MIDI Data Format
2.3 Channel Mode
All types of Channel Mode message are received, but none are
2.3.1 All Sound Off (120)
Upon receipt of an All Sound Off message, the DTX700 mutes all
voices currently playing on the corresponding channel.
2.3.2 Reset All Controllers (121)
Upon receipt of a Reset All Controllers message, the DTX700 resets
the following controllers to their initial values: Pitch Bend, Modulation,
Expression, Hold 1, Sostenuto, and RPN number.
2.3.3 All Note Off (123)
Upon receipt of an All Note Off message, the DTX700 mutes all notes
currently playing on the corresponding channel. If Hold 1 or Sostenuto
is turned on, however, muting will not take place until said controller is
turned off.
2.3.4 Omni Off (124)
Upon receipt of an Omni Off message, the DTX700 acts in the same
way as if an All Notes Off message had been received.
2.3.5 Omni On (125)
Upon receipt of an Onmi On message, the DTX700 acts in the same
way as if an All Notes Off message had been received.
2.3.6 Mono (126)
Upon receipt of a Mono message, the DTX700 acts in the same way
as if an
All Sound Off message had been received.
2.3.7 Poly (127)
Upon receipt of a Poly message, the DTX700 acts in the same way as
if an
All Sound Off message had been received.
2.4 Program Change
Program Change messages are transmitted and received.
• If the RcvPC parameter from the Menu area’s Utility/MIDI page is set to
“off”, Program Change messages will not be received.
• If the RcvPC10ch parameter from the same page is set to “off”,
Program Change messages on MIDI channel 10 will not be received.
• If the PC parameter from the Menu area’s Kit/MIDI/Other page is set
for a specific kit, a Program Change message with the corresponding
number will be sent whenever that kit is selected.
• If the MessageType parameter from the Menu area’s Kit/MIDI/Assign
page is set to “PC” for a specific pad, a Program Change message
with the number specified by the PC parameter from the Menu area’s
Kit/MIDI/Other page will, upon striking of that pad, be sent via the MIDI
OUT connector but not to the internal tone generator.
• If the PC parameter from the Menu area’s Song/MIDI page is set for
a specific song, a Program Change message with the corresponding
number will be sent whenever that song is selected.
2.5 Pitch Bend
Pitch Bend messages are transmitted and received.
• If, on the Menu area’s Kit/Pad page, the HH Func parameter is set to
“MIDI” and the HH MIDI Type parameter is set to “PBup” or “PBdwn”,
Pitch Bend messages will be sent when the hi-hat controller is
2.6 Channel Aftertouch
Channel Aftertouch messages are transmitted but not received.
• If, on the Menu area’s Kit/Pad page, the HH Func parameter is set
to “MIDI” and the HH MIDI Type parameter is set to “AT”, Channel
Aftertouch messages will be sent when the hi-hat controller is operated.
2.7 Polyphonic Aftertouch
Polyphonic Aftertouch messages are transmitted and received.
The PolyAfter parameter from the Menu area’s Utility/MIDI page must
be set to “on” for transmission and reception of Polyphonic Aftertouch
messages. In such a case, notes assigned to a pad are sent with a
polyphonic aftertouch value of 127 when the pad is held and with a
polyphonic aftertouch value of 0 when it is released.
3. System Exclusive Messages
The DTX700 only receives system exclusive messages having an identical
device number to that set by the DeviceNo. parameter from the Menu area’s
Utility/MIDI page.
3.1 Universal Non-Real Time
3.1.1 General MIDI System On
$F0 $7E $7F $09 $01 $F7
General MIDI System On messages are transmitted and received.
3.1.2 Identity Request
$F0 $7E $0n $06 $01 $F7
“n” represents the device number. Upon receipt of this message,
the DTX700 transmits an Identity Reply message. Identity Request
messages are received but not transmitted.
3.1.3 Identity Reply
$F0 $7E $7F $06 $02 $43 $00 $41 $3A $06 $00 $00 $00 $7F $F7
Identify Reply messages are transmitted but not received.
3.2 Universal Real Time
3.2.1 MIDI Master Volume
$F0 $7F $7F $04 $01 $XX $mm $F7
$XX is ignored. $mm represents the volume data. MIDI Master Volume
messages are received but not transmitted.
3.3 Parameter Change
3.3.1 XG System On
$F0 $43 $1n $4C $00 $00 $7E $00 $F7
“n” represents the device number. Upon receipt of an XG System
On message, the DTX700 acts in the same way as if a General MIDI
System On message had been received. XG System On messages
are received but not transmitted.
4. System Common Messages
4.1 Song Select
$f3 $nn
“nn” represents the song number. Song Select messages are received
but not transmitted.
5. System Real Time Messages
System Real Time messages are transmitted and received.
5.1 Timing Clock
If the MIDI Sync parameter from the Menu area’s Utility/MIDI page is
set to “ext” or “auto”, playback will be synchronized with Timing Clock
messages received from an external MIDI device.
5.2 Start, Continue & Stop
If the SeqCtrl parameter from the Menu area’s Utility/MIDI page is set
to “off”, the DTX700 will neither transmit nor receive Start, Continue and
Stop messages.
If the MessageType parameter from the Menu area’s Kit/MIDI/Assign
page is set to “strt”, “cont”, or “stop” for a specific pad, a Start, Continue,
or Stop message will, upon striking of that pad, be sent via the MIDI OUT
connector but not to the internal tone generator.
5.3 Active Sensing
Reception: If, following receipt of an Active Sensing message, no
subsequent MIDI data is received for approximately 300 milliseconds, the
DTX700 will mute all voices currently playing.
Transmission: The DTX700 regularly transmits Active Sensing messages
at intervals within approximately 300 milliseconds.
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