The DTXTREME IIs is designed for professional drummers and has a comprehensive variety of flexible
drum-triggering features, a 64-note polyphonic tone generator compatible with the GM System Level 1
standard, as well as a built-in music sequencer that enables recording and playback of rhythm or
accompaniment patterns, and even lets you create an entire song. The instrument is ideal for virtually
any application — live performance, rhythm training, music creation and studio recording.
Drum Triggering
• Flexible external controls via 16 trigger inputs (total of 12 jacks), hi-hat controller jack, and footswitch
jack. These jacks can connect to any Yamaha triggering gear including traditional DTX/DTXPRESS
drum pads, DT-series trigger pickups, and the latest drum pads.
• Combined with the latest drum pads, DTXTREME IIs enables manual control of the drum voice tone
with a built-in knob.
• Freely adjustable trigger inputs. Each trigger input can be edited to suit the input device (type)
connected to the jack, letting you determine the sensitivity and other settings.
• Freely assignable voices. Using MIDI note numbers, each trigger input can be assigned a specific voice
from the internal tone generator. A set of trigger-to-voice configurations can be stored as a drum kit.
DTXTREME IIs stores up to 40 drum kits internally and up to 99 externally on convenient memory
cards. Also, DTXTREME IIs comes with 90 preset drum kits.
• Each trigger input can be set to play several MIDI note numbers simultaneously or sequentially,
enabling the playing of chords or melodic phrases, or even entire drum patterns with a single pad.
Tone Generator
• A variety of high-quality sounds (voices) in a 64-note polyphonic AWM2 (PCM) tone generator
compatible with the GM System Level 1 standard.
• Preset voices include 2,174 drum or percussion sounds and 128 keyboard sounds. DTXTREME IIs
offers dynamic drum voices, including high-quality Yamaha drum sounds, plus the latest samples and
looped sounds — guaranteed to inspire you as you play and create.
• An all-new sampling feature that lets you easily add your own samples to the drum kit. DTXTREME
IIs can also import samples (audio files) from the computer using memory cards.
• Each drum voice can be edited using various parameters for effects, volume, pan, pitch, and so on.
• High-quality digital reverb and chorus are provided as System effects. A versatile pair of separate
Insertion effects is also provided with 44 effect types.
• The Localizer provides a three-dimensional (3D) stereo effect that simulates natural sound when
monitored with stereo headphones.