14. Select an output and set the effect path
When set to “stereo,” the sound will be output in stereo from the OUTPUT jacks. If you
select “InsFx1” or “InsFx2,” the sound will be output via the insertion effects (effects that can
be applied to specific voices).
If the output has been set to “InsFx1” or “InsFx2,” the sound will be passed through Insertion Effect 1 (or
2) before the reverb and chorus effects. In this case, you need to set the type of insertion effect and its
parameters in Drum Kit Effect Edit mode (page 55, Reference Section).
15. Adjust the effect level
Reverb send
Chorus send
The reverb send level is the amount of reverb applied to the drum voice and the chorus send
level is the amount of chorus applied.
These reverb and chorus settings apply to individual voices. To set reverb/chorus parameters for the
entire drum kit, you need to enter Drum Kit Effect Edit mode.
[Voice6] Output RevSend ChoSend
38 D1 Stereo 110 110
[Voice6] Output RevSend ChoSend
38 D1 Stereo 110 110