More Useful Features!
The DTXTREME has many more features. Let’s take a brief look at how to make even better
use of the DTXTREME.
Each cross-reference (description of the page number) in this section is found in the separate Reference
Section manual.
Factory Set
You can return all the DTXTREME's settings to their factory defaults.
[UT7] in Utility mode (page 74)
If you restore the Factory Set, all trigger, voice, drum kit, effects, song and other settings will be returned to
their factory defaults. Take care not to lose any important data.
Settings related to inputs and connections
You can select the type of pad connected, then use the gain to finely adjust the sensitivity.
[TrgSens1] Type, Gain in Drum Kit Trigger Edit mode (page 26)
You can select the curve defining how the strength with which you play the pads is
related to the volume level that is output.
[TrgSens1] Curve in Drum Kit Trigger Edit mode (page 27)
You can set the limit of the input level when you hit a pad, and the velocity of the sound
relative to that level.
[TrgSens2] in Drum Kit Trigger Edit mode (page 28)
You can prevent notes from double-triggering.
[TrgSens3] SelfRej in Drum Kit Trigger Edit mode (page 29)
You can prevent crosstalk (interferences between inputs).
[TrgSens3] Rej, Spec Rej in Drum Kit Trigger Edit mode (page 29)
You can change drum kits or chain steps, or start/stop the metronome click or a song
simply by hitting a pad.
Determine a pad input to the specific drum kit.
[TrgFunc] Func in Drum Kit Trigger Edit mode (page 29)
Determine a pad input common to all drum kits.
[UT7] IncFunc, DecFunc in Utility mode (page 74)
You can assign up to nine MIDI note numbers to each input and layer multiple notes or
play them in order.
[TrgMIDI1], [TrgMIDI2] in Drum Kit Trigger Edit mode (page 30)
You can copy the settings for an input to other inputs.
[TrgCopy1] in Drum Kit Trigger Edit mode (page 37)
You can copy the settings for the inputs of the drum kit currently being edited to another
drum kit.
[TrgCopy2] in Drum Kit Trigger Edit mode (page 37)