Rhythm/Keyboard Percussion
ELS-01/01C Owner’s Manual
Mode 2:
Produces harmonies of up to three notes in a range close to the melody played.
Mode 3:
Produces harmonies of up to four notes in a range relatively distant from the melody
On/off switch for Knee Lever control over Melody On Chord operation. To use the
Melody On Chord function with Knee Lever control, first switch the Knee setting to
ON, then select one of the three modes (described above). When the control is on,
pressing the Knee Lever to the right activates the Melody On Chord function.
Melody On Chord can be heard only when the Upper Keyboard Voice section’s volume
is set to the appropriate value. Melody On Chord does not apply to the Lead Voices.
The Keyboard Percussion function features many types of drum and percussion
sounds, playable from the keyboards and Pedalboard.
Keyboard Percussion has two different modes, Preset and User. Preset Keyboard
Percussion lets you play the preset drum kit sounds from the keyboards (assigned
beforehand to the keys), while the User Keyboard Percussion lets you freely assign the
drum sounds to any key or pedal you wish.
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Using the Preset Keyboard Percussion
Turn off the Upper, Lower and/or Pedal Voices by setting each
Voice’s volume to MIN.
Turn on the Keyboard Percussion function by pressing the
KEYBOARD PERCUSSION [1] or [2] button.
The Keyboard Percussion (K.B.P.) Display appears.
Pressing the KEYBOARD PERCUSSION [1] button calls up the Preset 1 kit on
the Upper/Lower keyboards, and pressing [2] button calls up the Preset 2 kit on
the Pedalboard.
Reference Page
Controlling Melody On Chord
(with Knee Lever); (page
Keyboard Percussion
In the Voice Display, each
Voice section can be muted
(page 18).
Two Keyboard Percussion
sets, [1] and [2], can be
played at the same time by
setting both buttons to on.