Update Read Me
Thank you for purchasing the MOTIF Music Production Synthesizer.
This Read Me file describes the fixes of the USB update and how to install it. Please read
this text carefully before installing the update.
• If you do not use the MOTIF’s USB function, this update is not needed.
• Be sure to read the MOTIF6/MOTIF7/MOTIF8
updater Read- me file before
updating the unit.
• This update is to be installed at your own risk.
• Be sure to back up any important data before installing the update.
• Do not shut down your computer or power off the MOTIF during installation.
• Do not change the sequencer tempo when playing back the update file.
• If the MOTIF power cable comes unplugged during installation, or if the operation fails
for some other reason, try installing the update again.
Main update fixes
This update fixes a problem which caused the MOTIF’s operation to become unstable if a
computer (Mac or Windows) was powered off while connected to the unit through USB.
Installing the update
1. Update the MOTIF’s firmware to version
Be sure to read the MOTIF6/MOTIF7/MOTIF8
updater Read- me file before
updating the unit.
2. Connect the MOTIF to your computer with a USB cable.
The USB-MIDI driver and OMS (in case of Macintosh) must be installed and properly
set up on your computer before installing the update. Refer to the TOOLS FOR
MOTIF6/7/8 Installation Guide for information on how to install and set up the
USB-MIDI driver and OMS on your computer.