MOX6/MOX8 Reference Manual
Voice Mode
[SF4] KEY FLW (Key Follow)
From this display you can set the Key Follow effect for the Filter—in other words, how the tonal qualities of the Element
and its Filter EG respond to the particular notes (or octave range) you play.
CutoffSens (Cutoff Key Follow Sensitivity)
Determines the degree to which the notes (specifically, their position or octave range) affect the Cutoff Frequency
(above) of the selected Element, assuming C3 as the basic pitch.
-200% – +0% – +200%
CenterKey (Cutoff Key Follow Sensitivity Center Key)
This indicates that the central note for “CutoffSens” above is C3. Keep in mind that this is for display purposes
only; the value cannot be changed.
EGTimeSens (EG Time Key Follow Sensitivity)
Determines the degree to which the notes (specifically, their position or octave range) affect the Filter EG times of the
selected Element. The basic speed of change for the FEG is at the note specified in CenterKey (below).
-64 – +0 – +63
CenterKey (EG Time Key Follow Sensitivity Center Key)
Determines the central note for the “EGTimeSens” parameter above.
C -2 – G8
You can also set the note directly from the keyboard, by holding down the [SF6] KBD button and pressing the desired
[SF5] SCALE (Filter Scaling)
Break Point 1 – 4
Determines the four Break Points by specifying the respective note numbers.
C -2 – G8
You can also set the Break Point directly from the keyboard, by holding down the [SF6] KBD button and pressing the desired
Break Point 1 to Break Point 4 will be automatically be arranged in ascending order across the keyboard.
Offset 1 – 4
Determines the offset value to the Cutoff Frequency at each Break Point.
-128 – +0 – +127
Regardless of the size of these Offsets, the minimum and maximum Cutoff limits (values of 0 and 127, respectively) cannot be
Any note played below the Break Point 1 note results in the Break Point 1 Level setting. Likewise, any note played above the
Break Point 4 note results in the Break Point 4 Level setting.
For information on setting examples for Filter Scaling, see the “Synthesizer Parameter Manual” PDF document.
[SF1] LVL/PAN (Level/Pan)
This display not only lets you make basic Level and Pan settings for each individual Element, it also gives you some
detailed and unusual parameters for affecting Pan position.
Use these to set the level of each Element.
0 – 127
Determines the stereo Pan position for the selected Element.
L63 (far left) – C (center) – R63 (far right)
Determines the amount by which the sound of the selected Drum key is panned alternately left and right for each note
you press. The Pan setting (above) is used as the basic Pan position.
L64 – C – R63
[F4] AMP (Amplitude)