MOX6/MOX8 Reference Manual
Song Mode
Pressing this calls up the selected Job display.
Before executing the Event Job, make sure that you specify the Track and range (measure: beat: clock) to which the Job is
applied. Please note that the Track to be specified varies depending on the Job.
01: Shift Clock
This Job shifts all data events in the specified range forward or backward by the specified number of clocks.
TR (Track) 001 : 1 : 000 – 999 : 4 : 479
Determines the Track (01 – 16, TMP=tempo, SCN=scene, all) and range of measures/beats/clocks over which the Job is
Determines the amount by which the data will be delayed or advanced in measures, beats, and clocks.
000: 0: 000 – 999: 3: 479
Determines the direction in which the data will be shifted. Advance moves the data toward the beginning of the
sequence, while Delay shifts the data toward the end of the sequence.
Advance, Delay
02: Copy Event
This Job copies all data from a specified source range to a specified destination location. Execute this Job after setting:
• Source Track (01-16, TMP, SCN, all)
• Source range (measure : beat : clock)
• Destination Track (01-16, TMP, SCN, all)
• Destination range (measure : beat : clock)
• Top measure of destination
• Count (number of times data is to be copied)
Determines the number of times the data is copied.
x01 – x99
When Copy Event is executed, any data already existing at the
Destination location will be overwritten.
03: Erase Event
This Job clears all specified events from the specified range, effectively producing a segment of silence.
TR (Track) 001 : 1 : 000 – 999 : 4 : 479
Determines the Track (01 – 16, TMP, SCN, all) and range of measures/beats/clocks over which the Job is applied.
Determines the event type to be erased. All events are cleared when ALL is selected. Individual control change
numbers can be specified when erasing control change events.
When TR is set to 01 – 16: Note (Note events), PC (Program Change), PB (Pitch Bend), CC (Control Change)*, CAT (Channel
Aftertouch), PAT (Polyphonic Aftertouch), EXC (System Exclusive), All (all events)
When TR is set to “TMP” (Tempo): TMP (tempo)
When TR is set to “SCN” (Scene): SceneMemory (Scene change information), TrackMute (Track mute setting change
* You can also specify the CC No. (Control Change number).
[F3] EVENT (Event Job)
Source Track and range in measures, beats, and clocks
Destination Track and the top (measure, beat, and clock)
of the destination