MOX6/MOX8 Reference Manual
Voice Mode
Finely adjusts the cutoff frequencies of all BPFs (for the Inst Input). This parameter can be used to fine-tune the pitch of
the Vocoder sound.
-63 – +0 – +63
MicLvl (Mic Level)
Determines the level of the microphone sound which is to be input to the Vocoder.
0 – 127
InstInpLvl (Inst Input Level)
Determines the level of the keyboard performance sound which is to be input to the Vocoder.
0 – 127
NoisInpLvl (Noise Input Level)
Determines the level of the noise sound which is input to the Vocoder. This can be used to emphasize sibilant and
plosive sounds, and make speech-like characteristics more pronounced.
0 – 127
OutLvl (Output Level)
Determines the output level of the Vocoder.
0 – 127
Dry/Wet (Dry/Wet Balance)
Determines the balance between the dry sound (no effect applied) and the wet sound (effect applied).
D63>W – D=W – D<W63
BPF1 – 10Gain (Band Pass Filter 1 – 10 Gain)
Determines the output gain of each Band Pass Filter (1 – 10) for the Inst Input (keyboard performance sound). BPF1
corresponds to the lowest Formant while BPF 10 corresponds to the highest Formant.
-18dB – +18dB
Element Edit
[SF1] WAVE (Waveform)
From this display you can select the desired waveform or sound used for the Element.
ElementSw (Element Switch)
Determines whether the currently selected Element is on or off.
off (inactive), on (active)
Determines the group of the XA feature (
) so that the Elements of the same group are called up in order or
randomly. The setting here is not available when the XA Control parameters of all Elements are set to “normal.”
1 – 8
XACtrl (XA Control)
Determines the functioning of the Expanded Articulation (XA) feature of an Element.
normal, legato, keyOffSound, waveCycle, waveRandom, all AF off (all Assignable Function off), AF1 On (Assignable Function 1
on), AF2 On (Assignable Function 2 on)
WaveCategory (Waveform Category)
WaveNumber (Waveform Number)
Determines the Waveform for the selected Element. See the “Waveform List” in the “Data List” PDF document.
Normal Voice selection
Element selection
[F1] OSC (Oscillator)