Voice Parameters
Velocity Rate
Determines how much the Velocity of Arpeggio playback is offset from the
original value.
: The original Velocities are used.
Below 100%: Reduces the Velocities of the Arpeggio notes.
Above 100%: Increases the Velocities.
If the resulting Velocity value is 0, it will be set to 1.
If the resulting Velocity value is greater than 127 it will be set to 127.
Gate Time Rate
Determines how much the Gate Time (length) of the Arpeggio notes is
offset from the original value.
: Indicates that the original Gate Times are used.
Below 100%: Shortens the Gate Times of the Arpeggio notes.
Above 100%: Lengthens the Gate Times of the Arpeggio notes.
The Gate Time cannot be decreased beyond its normal minimum of 1; any
values outside that range will automatically be limited to the minimum.
Octave Range
Specifies the maximum Arpeggio range in octaves.
Positive values: Increase the Octave Range of the Arpeggio playback
Negative values: Increase the Octave Range of the Arpeggio
playback downwards.
Determines whether the Arpeggio plays a single time or continuously,
while notes are held.
: The Arpeggio cycles while notes are held.
: The Arpeggio plays only once even if notes are held.
Trigger Mode
Determines how Arpeggio playback is started and stopped.
: Pressing the key starts Arpeggio playback and releasing the
note stops it.
: Pressing the key starts/stops Arpeggio playback and
releasing the note does not affect Arpeggio playback.
This Mode
overrules the
Hold setting. In other words, even when
Hold parameter is set to
, pressing the key
start/stops Arpeggio playback
Normally, this parameter should be set to
Accent Velocity
Determins the minimum Velocity that will trigger the Accent Phrase.
Some Arpeggio types include special sequence data called Accent
Phrases, which will be played back only when Velocities higher than the
specified threshold are received.
Accent Start
Determines the start timing of the Accent Phrase when the Velocity higher
than the specified threshold in Accent Velocity Threshold is received.
: The Accent Phrase starts as soon as the Velocity is received.
: The Accent Phrase starts on the beat specified for each Arpeggio
type after the Velocity is received.
Random SFX
Determins whether Random SFX is active or not.
Some Arpeggio types feature the Random SFX (Sound Effect) function,
which will trigger a special sound when the note is released--for example,
the fret noise of a guitar.