MOX6/MOX8 Reference Manual
Voice Mode
[SF4] KEY FLW (Key Follow)
From this display you can set the Key Follow effect—in other words, how the pitch of the Element and its Pitch EG
respond to the particular notes (or octave range) you play.
PitchSens (Pitch Key Follow Sensitivity)
Determines the sensitivity of the Key Follow effect (the pitch interval of adjacent notes). The Center Key (next parameter)
is used as the basic pitch for this parameter.
-200% – +0% – +200%
CenterKey (Pitch Key Follow Sensitivity Center Key)
Determines the central note or pitch for the Key Follow effect on pitch.
C -2 – G8
You can also set the note directly from the keyboard, by holding down the [SF6] KBD button and pressing the desired
EGTimeSens (EG Time Key Follow Sensitivity)
Determines the degree to which the notes (specifically, their position or octave range) affect the Pitch EG times of the
selected Element. The Center Key (next parameter) is used as the basic pitch for this parameter.
-64 – +0 – +63
CenterKey (EG Time Key Follow Sensitivity Center Key)
Determines the central note or pitch for the Key Follow effect on Pitch EG.
C -2 – G8
You can also set the note directly from the keyboard, by holding down the [SF6] KBD button and pressing the desired
These allow you to make comprehensive settings for the Filter unit. The available parameters differ depending on which
Filter type is selected here.
Determines the Filter Type for the current Element. Basically, there are four different filters: LPF (Low Pass Filter), HPF
(High Pass Filter), BPF (Band Pass Filter) and BEF (Band Elimination Filter). For details on settings, see the “Synthesizer
Parameter Manual” PDF document.
LPF24D, LPF24A, LPF18, LPF18s, LPF12, LPF6, HPF24D, HPF12, BPF12D, BPFw, BPF6, BEF12, BEF6, DualLPF, DualHPF,
DualBPF, DualBEF, LPF12+BPF6, thru
Sets the Gain (the amount of boost applied to the signal sent to the Filter Unit).
0 – 255
Cutoff (Cutoff Frequency)
Determines the cutoff frequency for the Filter. This is used as the basic frequency for the selected Filter Type.
0 – 255
This parameter’s function varies according to the selected Filter Type. If the selected filter is an LPF, HPF, BPF
(excluding BPFw), or BEF, this parameter is used to set the Resonance. For the BPFw, it is used to adjust the frequency
bandwidth. This parameter is used to set the amount of Resonance (harmonic emphasis) applied to the signal at the
cutoff frequency. This can be used in combination with the “Cutoff” parameter to add further character to the sound. For
the BPFw, this parameter is used to adjust the width of the band of signal frequencies passed by the filter.
0 – 127
Determines the distance between the Cutoff Frequencies for the Dual Filter types (two filters connected in parallel
fashion) and the LPF12+BPF6 filter.
-128 – +0 – +127