MOX6/MOX8 Reference Manual
Performance Mode
From this display you can set how each individual Part responds to various MIDI data, such as Control Change and
Program Change messages. When the relevant parameter is set to “on,” the corresponding Part responds to the
appropriate MIDI data. Note that two different display types listed below are provided and you can switch between them
by pressing the [SF6] button. Each display type features the same settings in a different format; use the type you feel
most comfortable with.
• Display showing four Parts
This display type shows the Receive Switch status for four Parts at a time. Set the desired Part on or off, for the
corresponding MIDI data type.
• Display showing all parameters for one Part
The “Sus” (Sustain) parameter is not available for the Drum Voice Parts.
If “Control Change” here is set to “off,” Control Change related parameters are not available.
See below.
CtrlChange (Control Change)
Indicates all Control Change messages.
PB (Pitch Bend)
MIDI messages generated by using the Pitch Bend Wheel.
MW (Modulation Wheel)
MIDI messages generated by using the Modulation Wheel.
RB (Ribbon Controller)
MIDI messages for Ribbon Controller.
ChAT (Channel After Touch)
MIDI messages for Channel After Touch.
FC1 (Foot Controller 1)
FC2 (Foot Controller 2)
MIDI messages generated by using the optional Foot Controller connected to the rear panel.
Sus (Sustain)
MIDI messages for Control Number 64 (Sustain). This parameter is not available for the Drum Voice Parts.
FS (Foot switch)
MIDI messages generated by using the optional foot switch connected to the FOOT SWITCH [ASSIGNABLE] jack on
the rear panel.
AS1 (Assign 1)
AS2 (Assign 2)
MIDI messages generated by using the ASSIGN 1/ASSIGN 2 (Knob 3/Knob4) when the [TONE3] lamp is turned on by
pressing Knob Function 1 button.
A.Func1 (Assignable Function 1)
A.Func2 (Assignable Function 2)
MIDI messages generated by using the ASSIGNABLE FUNCTION [1] and [2] buttons.
BC (Breath Controller)
MIDI messages for Breath Controller.
Exp (Expression)
MIDI messages for Control Number 11 (Expression).
[F5] RCV SW (Receive Switch)