MOX6/MOX8 Reference Manual
Song Mode
04: Extract Event
This Job moves all instances of specified event data from a specified range of a Track to the same range in a different
TR (Track) 001 : 1 : 000 – 999 : 4 : 479
Determines the Track (01 – 16) and range of measures/beats/clocks over which the Job is applied.
Selects the event type to be extracted. Specific note and control change numbers can also be specified as required.
Note, PC (Program Change), PB (Pitch Bend), CC (Control Change), CAT (Channel Aftertouch), PAT (Polyphonic Aftertouch),
EXC (System Exclusive)
TR (Track)
Determines the destination Track (01 – 16).
05: Create Continuous Data
This Job creates continuous pitch bend or control change data over the specified range.
TR (Track) 001 : 1 : 000 – 999 : 4 : 479
Determines the Track (01 – 16, TMP, all) and range of measures/beats/clocks over which the Job is applied.
Determines the event type to be created.
PB (Pitch Bend), CC (Control Change)*, CAT (Channel Aftertouch), EXC (System Exclusive), TMP (Tempo)
* You can also specify the CC No. (Control Change number).
Data (Data Range)
Determines the lower and upper limits for the data range to be created.
When Event Type is set to PB: -8192 – +0 – +8191
When Event Type is set to TMP: 005.0 – 300.0
When Event Type is set to other: 0 – 127
Determines the number of clocks to be inserted between each created event.
001 – 999
Determines the “curve” of the continuous data. Refer to the
graph for approximate curve shapes.
-16 – +0 – +16
Determines the number of times the data creation is to be repeated. For example, if data is created in the range
M001:1:000 – M003:1:000 and this parameter is set to 03, the same data will be created at M003:1:000 – M005:1:000
and M005:1:000 – M007:1:000. This Job lets you insert repeated volume or filter cutoff variations to create tremolo or
wah effects.
x01 – x99
Curve = +16
Curve = 0 (linear) Curve = -16
Start point
End point
This distance specified by Clock