MOX6/MOX8 Reference Manual
Utility Mode
DirectMonitorSw Part (Direct Monitor Switch Part)
This parameter is shown only when “Mode” is set to “VST” or “2StereoRec.” Determines whether or not the audio signal
which is output to the external device via the “USB 3/4” channels also sounds from this instrument (Direct Monitoring).
When this is set to “on,” the audio signal which is output via the “USB 3/4” channels is also output to the OUTPUT [L/
MONO]/[R] jacks and [PHONES] jack.
off, on
[SF1] OUT CH (Output Channel)
Pressing this button calls up the display which determines whether the maximum number of output channels for USB is
4 channels (2 stereo channels) or 2 channels (1 stereo channel). If transfer of the audio signal between the MOX6/MOX8
and the computer connected to the MOX6/MOX8 is compromised or impossible, set this parameter to “2ch.” This
setting reduces the CPU load of the computer, and may resolve the problem. After changing this setting, press the
[ENTER] button, then restart the MOX6/MOX8.
After changing this setting and pressing the [ENTER] button, make sure to restart the MOX6/MOX8; the instrument will not
operate otherwise. Before restarting, make sure to store any important edited data to prevent it from being inadvertently lost.
[SF6] INFO (Information)
Pressing this button calls up the display which indicates the illustration of the audio connection You can confirm the
“Mode” setting and “DirectMonitor Switch” setting here.
[SF1] CH (Channel)
From this display you can make basic MIDI settings.
BasicRcvCh (Basic Receive Channel)
Determines the MIDI receive channel when this synthesizer is set to single-timbre tone generator mode (Voice/
Performance modes).
1 – 16, omni (all channels), off
In the multi-timbral tone generator mode (Song/Pattern modes), each Part receives MIDI data according to its assigned MIDI
receive channel ([SONG] or [PATTERN]
Part selection
KBDTransCh (Keyboard Transmit Channel)
Determines the MIDI channel over which the instrument sends MIDI data (to an external sequencer, tone generator, or
other device). This parameter is available in the single-timbre tone generator mode (Voice/Performance modes).
1 – 16, off
In the multi-timbral tone generator mode (Song/Pattern modes), MIDI data generated by playing the keyboard (and its
controllers) is sent to the internal tone generator and external devices via the MIDI output channel, set from the CHANNEL
display ([SONG] or [PATTERN]
DeviceNo. (Device Number)
Determines the MIDI Device Number. This number must match the Device Number of the external MIDI device when
transmitting/receiving bulk data, parameter changes or other system exclusive messages.
1 – 16, all, off