33. 033:MUTE
When the [NEXT/BACK] button is pressed, check that the 1 kHz sine wave tone will stop from
excluding the speaker and LOOP SEND(L/L+R), and repress it again, the sound will appear.
If the plug is inserted into LOOP SEND(L/L+R), the tone from speaker will stop.
034:D/A Noise
Check DAC noise.
Press any key on the keyboard. The PIANO will sound at minimum volume.
At this time, confirm that there is no distortion.
035:SW.LED Chk
Check the switches and the LEDs
Press the switch that is displayed on the LCD. When the switch is pressed, a pre-assigned note is
output. (With some switches, the corresponding LED will light up.)
Also check the dial by turning it; the LCD should display "OK". The LCD will display the numbers
from 50 -100 when turning the dial clockwise from the center, and the LCD will display the numbers
from 0 -50 when turning the dial counter-clockwise from the center.
036:All LED On
Check that all panel LEDs are lit.
037:RedLED On
Check that all red panel LEDs are lit.
038:GreenLED On
Check that all green panel LEDs are lit.
043:All LCD On
Check that all LCD dots are on.
044:All LCD Off
Check that all LCD dots are off.
046:Pedal1 Chk
Connect the foot switch into the SWITCH 1 terminal.
Check that the C3 note sound is produced when the pedal is depressed, and that the C4 note sound
is produced when the pedal is released. The test results will appear on the LCD.
047:Pedal2 Chk
Connect the foot switch into the SWITCH 2 terminal.
Check that the C3 note sound is produced when the pedal is depressed, and that the C4 note sound
is produced when the pedal is released. The test results will appear on the LCD.
048:Indv.Out Chk
Check that the LCD displays "OK" when the plugs are inserted into the SUB1 and SUB2 terminals,
and then pull them out.
049:PBWheel Chk
Check that the C3 note sound is produced when the PITCH BEND wheel is at minimum and the C4
note sound is produced when it is at maximum.
Check that the C3 note sound is produced when the MODULATION wheel is at minimum and the
C4 note sound is produced when it is at maximum.
051:ExpPedal Chk
Connect the foot pedal into the VOLUME terminal.
Check that the C3 note sound is produced when the foot pedal is at minimum and the C4 note sound
is produced when it is at maximum.
052:AfterTouch Chk
Check that the C3 note sound is produced when any key on the keyboard is pressed, and check that
the C4 note sound is produced when the key is released. The test results will appear on the LCD.
53. 053:Midi
After connecting the MIDI IN jack and MIDI OUT jack (both 1 and 2) with a MIDI cable, execute the
test. Set the HOST SELECT switch to MIDI. Check that the C3 and C4 note sounds are produced and the
LCD displays "OK". (MIDI-A: C3, MIDI-B: C4) If there is no output after one second, it is judged NG.
05:To Host Chk
Connect pin 3 to pin 5 and pin 6 to pin 8 of the TO HOST terminal, and execute the test. Check that
the following note sounds when changing the HOST SELECT switch position according to the
LCD; the LCD will display "OK".
PC1: note C3; PC2: note C4; MAC: note C5
055:MIC Chk
Enter the sound into the MIC terminal.
Check that there is no abnormal noise. Check that the output sound is one octave above the harmonizer
when the [BACK]/[NEXT] button is pressed.
057:Rom Chk2
Checks ROMs
058:Ram Chk2
Checks RAMs
059:Flash Chk2
Checks flash memorys
Chk2 Checks Wave ROM
Chk2 Checks Wave RAM
062:SIMM Ch2
Checks SIMM
065:VideoOut NTSC RED Using the NTSC signal to check that the red characters are displayed on the video terminal.
067:VideoOut NTSC BLUE Using the NTSC signal to check that the blue characters are displayed on the video terminal.
068:VideoOut PAL RED
Using the PAL signal to check that the red characters are displayed on the video terminal.
069:ideoOut PAL GREEN Using the PAL signal to check that the green characters are displayed on the video terminal.
070:VideoOut PAL BLUE Using the PAL signal to check that the blue characters are displayed on the video terminal.