Studio Manager for V2 DM2000 Editor—Owner’s Manual
Configuring the Editor
You must configure the following settings for each open Editor.
System Setup
To open the Setup window, choose [System Setup] from the [File] menu.
Be sure to specify the Input port and Output port.
Input port/Output port:
These pop-up menus are used to select the ports through which
Studio Manager will communicate with your Yamaha mixing console.
Console Device ID:
Studio Manager can control any one of up to eight Yamaha mixing con-
soles, each with its own exclusive ID. Select the ID of the console you want to control.
Channel Select:
These options determine whether or not channel selection is linked. When the
PC->Console option is on, selecting a channel in Studio Manager selects the same channel on the
console. When the Console->PC option is on, selecting a channel on the console selects the same
channel in Studio Manager.
These options determine whether or not a confirmation dialog box appears
when storing, recalling, or patching.
Layer Select:
These options determine whether or not Layer selection is linked. When the
PC->Console option is on, selecting a Layer in Studio Manager selects the same Layer on the con-
sole. When the Console->PC option is on, selecting a Layer on the console selects the same Layer
in Studio Manager.
Window Control from Console:
This option determines whether or not using the USER
DEFINED KEYS on the console enables you to remotely open and close the Studio Manager win-
Note: Specify a MIDI port (
) before making the following settings.
Note: Select the same MIDI ports that you specified in Step 3 as described on
Macintosh System Setup window
Windows System Setup window