C Clamp the wire harness, handle-
bar switch lead (right), front
brake light switch lead, clutch
switch lead, main switch lead,
resonator hose and starter
D Clamp the ignition coil lead and
the ignition coil grand lead horn
E Route the wire harness, handle-
bar switch lead (right) and front
brake light switch lead through
the guide.
F Do not bend the lead sharply just
after the terminal connection.
G Point the rear brake light switch
lead to the rear side of the ve-
H Route the lead by the front side
of the sheet pillar tube so that it is
not be caught between the side
cover flange and the frame sheet
pillar tube.
I Secure the rear brake switch,
knob-shape part of the lead, car-
buretor heater lead and turn sig-
nal relay lead. At this time, make
sure to secure the turn signal
relay lead at the outmost posi-
tion. Next, point the surplus part
of the band to the inner side and
then cut it.
J Relay lead can be routed either
the front or the rear side of the