Edit Window
The various patches are described briefly below.
<1> Pickup
Changing pickups is like changing pickups on a guitar or changing the position of
a pickup on a brass or woodwind instrument. The Visual Editor provides 8 pickup
• Single
A simulation of a “single-coil” electric guitar pickup.
• Humbucking
A simulation of a “double-coil” humbucking electric guitar pickup.
• Mouthpiece
The effect produced by attaching a pickup to the mouthpiece of a wind instrument.
• BreathNoiseAmp
This pickup picks up the amplitude of the noise components of the breath noise.
• FlowRate
The saturation component of the air-flow within the instrument’s mouthpiece is con-
verted to sound and amplified.
• Beatin’
The beating or “buzzing” of the mouthpiece reed is selectively amplified.