mines whether the MIDI Recorder records or ignores keyboard after-touch sen-
t the No aft mode is selected. The No atL mode is preferable in most applications
[a is continuously being transmitted while a key is being played, consuming a
: of MIDI Recorder memory capacity. For recording short pieces the aft mode may
longer pieces the computer's memory capacity may be exceeded, resulting in a
riessage and loss of a good take.
es only to specialized Yamaha music equipment, and is not fully implemented
be Off.
ts matching the MIDI Recorder's printer output format to the type of printer used
hoices are MSX A, MSX B, Epson A or Epson B. Check with your Yamaha dealer
Decific printer models apply to the above selections. The Yamaha PN-101 printer
mal MSX A selection.
54 —
Fig. 41 The Filer
10.11,1111 IJ J J I U M , I F.J101, E l O L / I L i l i I I I I 1,1_ LJI,JI 1 _ , I I L U I cIIL4 J I e 1 . 11
left mouse button or the computer 'SELECT key.
This will call the file handling page.
F 1
0 - n
11 i
The three selectors at the top left of this screen select floppy disk, cassette, or memory cartridge op-
eration in order from left to right (memory cartridge operation is not utlilizable with conventional MIDI
Recorder files, and is not implemented at this time). The MIDI Recorder is smart enough to know what
storage device is connected to the computer, and will automatically select that device when the file
page is called. Floppy disk operation will be selected if a floppy disk drive is connected, and cassette
will be selected if a floppy disk drive is not connected to the system. A list of available file handling
functions is provided to the left of the screen. The functions that appear in black are those functions
that are operative with the currently selected device, while those in white cannot be used with the current
device. An underline cursor appears to the right of the selected device name at the top of the screen
file names for store and load operations are entered here using the computer's alphanumeric key-
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