1. Move the machine to a well-ventilated place for charging.
Warning: Risk of fire or explosion. The battery releases hydrogen gas. Keep
away from sparks or open fire sources. Must keep electricity while charging
The bottle compartment opens.
2. Park the machine on a level ground and turn the key to the off position.
3. Before charging, check the electrolyte level in each battery unit.
For safety: When servicing the machine, please wear protective gloves and eye
protection when handling the battery and battery wiring. Avoid contact
Battery liquid acid.
4. When charging, please open the recovery tank side to facilitate ventilation
5. Plug the AC (alternating current) power cord of the charger into a well-
grounded power outlet.
6. Plug the charger's DC (direct current) cable into the battery charging socket
behind the recovery tank.
7. The charger will automatically start charging, and will automatically turn off
when fully charged.
Note: The machine cannot be operated when the charger is connected. Note:
During the charging of the charger, please do not unplug the DC cable of the
Unplug it from the socket on the machine. In order to avoid arc discharge. If you
have to suspend charging during charging, please unplug it first
AC power cord.
Warning: Risk of fire or explosion. The battery releases hydrogen gas. Keep away
from sparks or open fire sources. Must keep electricity while charging
The bottle compartment opens.
8. After charging, check the electrolyte level again.
Machine maintenance
As long as the daily, weekly and monthly maintenance procedures are
followed, the machine can be kept in its best working condition. Warning: Risk
of electric shock
risk. Please disconnect the battery wiring before servicing the machine.