Notice of use
1) :使用前,请先为本产品进行充电 2 小时。产品出厂前不会满电。
Please charge the product for 2 hours before use. The product won't be full
until it leaves the factory.
2) :禁止边充电边使用,充电时间不宜过长,过长充电会影响电池寿命。
Prohibit charging side use, charging time should not be too long, too long
charge will affect battery life
3) :使用前请摘下眼镜或者隐形眼镜。
Please remove your glasses or contact lenses before use.
4) :使用前请先将头带调整到最舒适位置,面罩对准双眼带上本产品
Before use, please adjust the headband to the most comfortable position.
The mask is aligned with the product
5) :如果全家人共同使用,建议每使用一次用干净软纸巾垫绒布上,更干净
If the whole family is used together, it is recommended to use a clean soft
paper pad every time
6) :使用该产品建议采用坐姿或者卧姿,使产品更贴合眼部,效果更佳
The use of the product by sitting or prone position, make the product more
fit for the eye, the effect is better
7) :使用完该产品后,请闭目养神 3—5 分钟,让眼部穴位经络放松舒展,视野更清晰
After using this product, please close your eyes for 3 - 5 minutes, make
eye acupuncture meridians to relax stretch, clearer vision
8) :眼部刚做完手术禁止使用,术后在医生指导下使用
The eyes have just been operated on and are prohibited from being used. The
doctor is under the guidance of the doctor
9) :使用本产品前,需要连接蓝牙设备,请先连上蓝牙设备在佩戴使用,禁止在使用过
Before using this product, you need to connect the Bluetooth device. Please
connect the Bluetooth device and use it. It is forbidden to walk or drive
in the process of using.
10) :该产品禁止水洗或者爆嗮,以免影响电子部件使用寿命。
This product banned washing or explosion so as not to affect the electronic
component Sai, service life.