Lightning protection
In order to prevent lightning cause damage to the machine, please don't place charging
station under the tall trees.
4.4. Pegging Out the Boundary Wire
Next step is to fix the boundary wire, so locate the boundary wire (item 19), unpack it
and locate the free end. Also locate the fixing pegs (item 15) and lay each one on Lawn
at approximately the correct distance from lawn edges (40cm) and obstacles. There is a
gauge supplied for this (item 17) (Remember to ensure the lawn grass height is maximum
of 60mm tall, if not cut it before you start pegging). The boundary wire will be laid on top
of the grass there is absolutely no need to dig into the ground. The closer you can lay
this boundary wire to the ground level, the safer it will be with no risk of tripping or cutter
damage. In a very short time the wire will covered by grass and as the voltage in this wire
is only 32V. It is totally safe to human beings and pets.
The peg should be knocked into lawn
with wire location to boundary outside
like shown.
40 cm
80 cm
It is recommended to place the pegs at a distance of 80 cm apart approximately, but these
can be closer where tight bends are required for accurate cutting, do not fix your pegs
permanently when laying out for first time, it is advisable to only partially knock in the pegs
with a hammer and ensure the wire location slots are all in same orientation to the outside
of boundary.
Once all are in correct position, then the boundary wire can be threaded into the slots on
pegs one by one around the working area edge. Please start from the charging station
and allow an additional 1m of spare wire before cutting off the wire in case a peg needs
moving later. When laying out the wire, and adding the pegs, be sure not to tighten the
boundary too hard to prevent wire get damaged. Also remember there should be a 2 to
4 meter straight length of wire in front of the charging station in order to allow the robot
successfully to dock into charging station. Please be careful also when installing this wire
to prevent kinks etc.
If there are hard surfaces where these pegs cannot be used such as a
concrete or garden tiles etc. then a screw and plug may be required. If a screw is
used then there must be an insulation washer applied.
If the boundary wire needs to be joined for, only use the connectors provided by
manufacturer (Item18).
See below for some further sketches giving more distance guidelines.
The potential location of charging station
The end point of boundary
1 m extra wire
for potential
The initial point of