6.4.3 Analog part - Wiring
For analog signals you should use isolated cables to reduce interference. The cable
screening should be grounded at both ends. If there are differences in the potential
between the cable ends, there may occur a potential compensating current that could dis-
turb the analog signals. In this case you should ground the cable screening only at one
2-/4-wire measuring transducers may be connected to the analog part. Please regard that
the transducers are to be supplied externally. Using 2-wire transducers an external power
supply should be looped in. Please install short circuits at non-used inputs by connecting
the positive contact with the channel ground. Bridging cannel ground and M
is recom-
The connection of 2- and 4-wire measurement transducers is shown in the following fig-
ures at the example of a current measurement:
Loads and actors may be supplied with voltage or current by the analog part. Please take
always care of the correct polarity when connecting actuators! Please leave the output
pins of not used channels disconnected and configure the
output type
of the channel to
Cables for analog signals
Wiring of the analog cur-
rent / voltage inputs
2 wire
4 wire
Wiring of the analog out-
VIPA System 300S
Deployment I/O periphery
Analog part > Analog part - Wiring
HB140 | CPU-SC | 313-5BF23 | en | 19-01