Manufacturers of low power instruments
page 27
4.2.9 Alarm message
Here, the user can select whether he wants to receive an alarm message on this parameter (in alarming
conditions) or not. Alarm messages are send by SMS, e-Mail or MQTT.
4.2.10 Alarm log
Setting which enables the storage of the alarm condition of the parameter to the SD card. When set to on
it will store an unscheduled data log in a single data record, and the passing of the alarm limits in a
system record.
4.2.11 Alarm output
Setting which sets or clears the digital alarm output port when the selected alarm limit is passed (Low,
High or both).
4.2.12 Alarm limits and delays
Within every parameter settings menu, the user can define all limits and delays to customize his alarming
mode. More info on these settings and the alarming mode is found in section: