TYPE ML-2012/13
Manufacturers of low power instruments
page 38
6.2 Recalibration
Calibration of the data logger has been performed while manufacturing. YDOC guarantees the calibration
to last for 2 years. However in most cases the calibration will last for the lifetime of the instrument.
Calibration is important for high accuracy measurements and in situations where time stamping is very
important. The logger has a NTP-time-synchronize option, which is selectable by the user. The parts of
the data logger that could need re-calibration are:
Analog inputs
Real time clock
For most applications, the analog inputs are sufficiently accurate, and need no re-calibration for the
lifetime of the instrument. But in special cases, where the user demands a high precision measurement,
the analog interface may be re-calibrated after that period. High temperature deviations and harsh
environment are factors that needed to be considered. Please contact your local supplier for more
information on recalibration needs and –support. The real time clock is also calibrated during the
manufacturing process, and has very good long life stability (see spec. sheet). Also, when operating in a
harsh environment, the need for a recalibration can be applicable. YDOC can perform overall calibrations
any time you like.
6.3 XRAY
In the uncommon event of exposure to XRAY, extra precautions are needed. When the device is shipped
many times, and is scanned for a security check, the analog input calibration will be harmed. Although the
level of radiation is very low, the data logger can be harmed if the number of times that it is exposed to
radiation exceeds 10. What will happen is that the analog interface will drift outside its spec’s. As a
precaution the user can shield his device, with a metal can, to prevent from damage. Normally, the
impacts of these security-scans are very low and cause no problems.
Don’t work on the wiring of the ML 2013 when powered from mains.
7.1 Power supply
The data logger is protected against reversed polarity of the battery power. The mains power supply is
protected by a 4AT fuse type TR5.
7.2 ESD
The ML-2012/13 data logger is equipped with an ESD (Electronic Static Discharge) protection on all
“outside world” leads. i.e. comports and analog inputs etc. Though it is designed to withstand a certain
amount of electrical discharge (human body model) it is strongly advised to take precautions while
operating or servicing the data logger.