Yealink IP Phones Auto Provisioning Guide
same model, such as language and volume.
The following figure shows a portion of the common CFG file:
When editing the Common CFG file, learn the following:
The line beginning with “#” is considered to be a comment.
The file header “#!version:” is not a comment and must be placed in the first
line. It cannot be edited or deleted.
The file format must be *.cfg.
The filename complies with the requirements that are listed in the above table.
Each line must use the following format and adhere to the following rules:
Configuration Parameter=Valid Value
Separate each configuration parameter and value with an equal sign.
Set only one configuration parameter per line.
Put the configuration parameter and value on the same line, and do not break
the line.
The MAC-Oriented are only effectual for the specific phone. They use the 12-digit MAC
address of the IP phone as the file name. For example, if the MAC address of the IP
phone is 0015651130F9, the MAC-Oriented CFG file has to be named as
0015651130f9.cfg (case-sensitive) respectively.
MAC-Oriented CFG file contains configuration parameters which are expected to be
updated per phone, such as the registration information.