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iXm Getting Started.


Yellowtec 10-2009.  

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Switch on 


Press and hold the Stop button on the playback keypad and the Record button on the record 
keypad simultaneously for about 1 second.    

Record Keypad  

Playback Keypad  



iXm will start booting. The boot process is indicated by a fast green blinking REC indicator.  
When booting is completed, iXm will perform a memory check indicated by a fast red 
blinking MEM indicator.   


Note: a successfully completed memory check will cause the MEM indicator to stop blinking. 
If the MEM LED does not stop blinking after a few seconds, the SD memory card is not read 
correctly. Please make sure that the card is inserted properly.   

The device is now ready for record indicated by a red flashing REC indicator every 2 


Switch off  


Press and hold the Stop buttons on record and playback keypad simultaneously. The device 
will switch off immediately. All indicators will shut off.   

Record Keypad  

Playback Keypad  

