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Rev Nr: 2
In case of a gas leakage:
1. Shut the leakage by closing closest valve or pushing the shut-down button.
2. Use protective gloves to avoid cold burns.
3. Avoid using fire or any igniting tools around the dispenser.
4. Beware that LPG is heavier than air and therefore settles lower.
5. Evacuate everyone off the danger zone.
6. Make sure that the area is safe for operation. If in doubt, inform the fire department thereof.
In case of gas flare;
1. Shut the leakage if its location is safe to reach.
2. If it is a flare that cannot be controlled safely, contact fire department.
3. If it is a small, controllable ignition, use a proper extinguisher. If in doubt, inform the fire department.
1.4 Required Tools for Installation
5mm Allen screwdriver
Standard screwdriver kit
Voltage tester screwdriver
13mm monkey wrench
17mm monkey wrench
19mm monkey wrench
Side cutter (to cut cables)
2 adjustable wrenches
Philips screwdriver
Curved knife (to open packaging)
M12 (10.9) bolt and nut
Cleaning cloth