Scan Data ID:
Each spectral scan is indexed automatically and by selecting the ID of a scan
you get the Peak Marker List automatically populated with the marked peaks.
Interleaved Scan:
This is the automated version of the Blind Spot Reduction Node. This scan
is meant to overcome the limitations of the probe polarizations. By measuring a DUT twice
with a small physical shift between the two scans this blind spot can be
Peak Marker List:
This is the list of frequencies that were detected as being possible peaks
in the parent spectral scan. If the frequency was peak marked it will show up in the list with
an ‘—X’ after it. If it was a peak that was not peak marked it will not have the ‘ –X’ after it but
it will still show up in this list.
Peak Hold:
Also known as Max-Hold this is a very important feature as it allows you to run a
Spatial Scan continually replacing the peak amplitude at each location with each successive
higher measurement. This is an excellent way to find the location of an intermittent signal at
a single frequency.
Spatial Averaging:
In the Run Continuously mode, the Spatial Scan is constantly updated
with the average between the new measurement and the average of the previous
measurements. It is a very important feature to help you identify the more persistent noise
that could affect pre-compliance.
Replace Data When Running Continuously:
If you Scan Continuously when this option is
checked, EMScanner software replaces the previous scan data and keeps the last scan
data. In order to keep all scan data, uncheck this option.
Reference Level:
The maximum signal intensity that the spectrum analyzer can acquire at a
given frequency without clipping, this setting does not need to be changed except when
measuring very strong signals.
Spatial Scan Probes Tab
Select and activate the probes under the DUT. You can activate the probes
by either a left click on individual cells or by left clicking and dragging the
mouse and choosing Select Cells; or clicking on Select All to activate all the
probes. Green indicates the activated probes.
You can deactivate the probes; either left click on already selected cells or
by left clicking and dragging the mouse and choosing Unselect Cells; or by
clicking on Select None to deactivate all of the probes.
When you mouse over the grid, row and column coordinates are displayed.
Using the wheel of the mouse will adjust the transparency of the JPG file to
help set the probes.