Why does the peak marking process take longer than the estimated time?
I am doing Before and After testing. What feature should I use?
Can I create Limit Lines for FCC requirements?
I want to do a Pass or Fail test. What feature should I use?
Why is the result of the Spectral Scan different than the image displayed on the
spectrum analyzer?
How long does a typical Spectral Scan take?
How long does a typical Spatial Scan take?
I am designing multiple layer boards. How can EMScanner help to diagnose EM
1. How can I correlate the scan results to PCB design?
EMScanner support three types of file formats: Gerber file format RS-274x, HPGL and JPG.
On rare occasions, a Gerber file may not be in a pure RS-274x format and cannot be read
by EMScanner software. This file can often be read by a third-party Gerber reader such as
GerbView and converted to an RS-274x format that can be used. GerbView can be obtained
2. Does the system require annual calibration?
The EMScanner does not require calibration after shipment. The scanner elements are
passive and will not require further calibration. If you believe that one or more of the probes
have been damaged, the unit can be returned to Y.I.C. Technologies for verification and
3. What is the frequency and amplitude accuracy of the EMScanner
Frequency Accuracy: Marked Peaks – Typically accurate to 1 kHz
A calibrated spectrum analyzer or EMC analyzer normally has a frequency error of between
1% and 2% of span. During the process of marking peaks, EMScanner conducts several
rescans of identified peaks after the initial scan is completed. The final accuracy is 1-2% of
the final scan bandwidth shown on the spectrum analyzer display.
Some supported models of spectrum analyzer provide higher accuracy frequency
measurements using an internal counter. For these spectrum analyzers the final accuracy is
the specified accuracy of the counter. Amplitude Accuracy: Spectral or Spatial Scans:
approxi/- 3 dB This is a combination of spectrum analyzer accuracy and probe
factor responses from cell to cell across all frequencies from scanner to scanner.