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MA5680T(config-if-epon-0/5)#ont add 1 0 mac-auth 002A-8523-C610 oam ont-lineprofile-id
11 ont-srvprofile-id 6
Configure service-port
MA5680T(config)#service-port 27 vlan 10 epon 0/5/1 ont 0 multi-service user-vlan 10
Configure ONU WAN by ONU web
4.2 IPTV service
4.2.1 Requirement
ONU works on bridge mode, STB gets IP address from DHCP server, IPTV service VLAN is
4.2.2 Steps
In this example, we take V1600D and Huawei MA5680T for example, to introduce how to
configure IPTV service.
V1600D Configurations
Create VLAN
epon-olt (config)# vlan 10
epon-olt (config-vlan-10)# exit
Configure uplink port
epon-olt (config)# interface g 0/5
epon-olt config-if-ge0/5)# switchport hybrid vlan 10 untagged
epon-olt (config-if-ge0/5)#switchport hybrid pvid vlan 10
epon-olt (config-if-ge0/5)# exit
Configure PON port
epon-olt (config)# inter epon 0/1
epon-olt (config-pon-0/1)# switchport hybrid vlan 10 tagged
epon-olt (config-pon-0/1)# ip igmp snooping user-vlan 10 group-vlan 10 tagged
epon-olt (config-pon-0/1)# exit
Enable IGMP Snooping
epon-olt (config)# ip igmp snooping enable
Configure multicast port
epon-olt (config)# ip igmp snooping mrouter vlan 10 interface gigabitethernet 0/5
Configure ONU LAN port
epon-olt (config)# inter epon 0/1
epon-olt (config-pon-0/1)# onu 1 ctc eth 1 mc_vlan add 10
epon-olt (config-pon-0/1)# onu 1 ctc eth 1 mc_tagstrip enable