YMGI, Engineered Comfort Products for A Sustainable and Efficient Green World!
YMGI: Your Modern Green Idea
The power of every indoor unit should be on its own circuit/power supply.
Do not use tapped wires, stranded wires, extension cords, or starburst connections, as they may cause
overheating, electrical shock, or fire.
Do not use locally purchased electrical parts inside the unit. (Do not branch the power for the drain pump, etc.,
from the terminal block.) Doing so may cause electric shock or fire.)
The power connection cord has been inserted on the mainboard through the piping hole of the chassis. Please
connect the power connection cord with the breaker. If the power cord is not long enough, please lengthen the
power cord using a terminal block.
Reinstall the wire cover to its original place and tighten.
Recover the surface panel.
Install the drainage pipe
For correct draining, the drain hose should be slanted downward.
Do not wrench or bend the drain hose or place the open end into water.
Wrap with heat resistant material when connecting the longer drainage tube through to the indoor unit.