IM 701430-51E
Bit Rate
If you do not wish to change the bit rate, skip to step 5. To change the bit rate,
press the Bit Rate soft key, and select Bit Rate using the jog shuttle. Turn the
jog shuttle to select one of the following: 1 M, 500 k, 250 k, 125 k, 100 k, 83.3 k,
50 k, or 33.3 k. Cursor2 moves to the position bit rate after Cursor1, using the
changed bit rate.
The positions of reference cursors Ref1 and Ref2 remain at their previous settings.
The bit rate reflects the bit rate specified when entering the trigger pattern (see pages 3 and
7) and analyzing the CAN Bus signal (see pages 12 and 16).
Cursor Jump
Press the Cursor Jump soft key. The field selection screen appears.
Press the SOF, Identifier, Control Field, Data Field, CRC, or ACK soft key.
Press the Jump Exec soft key. Cursor1 moves to the front of the field specified
in step 6, and Cursor2 moves to a position after Cursor1 that is separated from it
by the bit rate.
If you press the Jump Exec soft key when there is no data for analysis, an error message
Press the Cursor1/Cursor2 soft key, then turn the jog shuttle to select Cursor1/
Turn the jog shuttle to move Cursor1 and Cursor2. The cursors move while
maintaining a bit rate of space between them.
When analyzing the CAN bus signal with the trigger type set to Can Bus (see section 4,
“Analysis/Search” in ), Z1Position, Cursor1, and Ref1 move to the front of the SOF field.
Cursor2 moves to a position one bit rate after Cursor1.
If you choose Field Jump with the cursor type set to CAN Bus (see “Field Jump” on pages 16
and 20 ), Z1Position, Cursor1, and Ref1 move to the front of the specified field, Cursor2
moves to a position one bit rate after Cursor1, and Ref2 moves to the end of the specified
3. Settings the Cursor